O.M. Roberts Elementary: DISD Seeks Demolition
Despite spending $2.6 Million in renovations, DISD wants to start over. In the year 1909, a great school was built...
Residents Fighting DISD Over Eminent Domain
DALLAS (CBS 11 / TXA 21) The Dallas Independent School District maintains that applying eminent domain to acquire...
The Vickery Wholesale Greenhouse
The Vickery Wholesale is a flourishing business and has been in our neighborhood for 58 years. It is owned and...
The Endangered Neighborhood and DISD
DISD’s eminent domain target area consists of Philip Avenue, Gurley Avenue and the Vickery Whole Sale...
O.M. Roberts Elementary: DISD Seeks Demolition
Despite spending $2.6 Million in renovations, DISD wants to start over. In the year 1909, a great school was built...
The Vickery Wholesale Greenhouse
The Vickery Wholesale is a flourishing business and has been in our neighborhood for 58 years. It is owned and...
East Dallas Residents Fighting Over School Campus
Construction of a new school campus is proving to be frustrating for nearby homeowners Click here to view the video in...
No Victory for Vickery: Dallas Could End Up A Lot Less Colorful If DISD Mov...
​Yesterday afternoon, before heading to the board meeting at Dallas Independent School District's Ross Avenue...
Homeowners, Business Fight to Keep Land
By SUSY SOLIS, www.nbcdfw.com – But Berry estimates it would take at least $4 million to purchase and rebuild...
DISD, Eminent Domain and The Familes Who Live There
DISD, Residents of East Dallas and Eminent Domain Many residents and business owners of East Dallas are at risk of...