As O.M. Roberts Elementary Opens in Jubilee Park..
Dallas Observer By Amy SilversteinTue., Aug. 27 2013 at 9:00 AM On Monday, the same day a big new elementary school...

Dallas ISD’s and Jubilee’s Children
Crayons and courage At the four and a half -year anniversary of Jubilee Parks’ struggle against Dallas...

O.M. Roberts and its community destroyed
When Richard Strickland, a UNT student who exemplifies the values of achievement, commitment, determination and...

Vote NO!
Under the Medrano’s leadership, the American Dream turned into an American nightmare. Even though millions were...

Never, never be afraid to do what’s right, especially if the well...

Jubilee Park Residents reach out to Homeless Veterans
It was a glorious November day when friends, relatives, and their pets, gathered to plan little acts of...

Do you have hattitude?
At the State Fair of Texas hats are worn everywhere. The...

They paved paradise…
As dawn broke through the huge canopy of trees in the Jubilee Park community, Dallas ISD’s mission to raze...

It’s July 4th..Stand up for Freedom! Stand up for Justice!
As our beloved nation celebrates the Fourth of July, we no doubt heard and told the story of how our forefathers...