Stop DISD’s Land Grab!
DISD’s eminent domain target area includes the Vickery Wholesale Greenhouse, Philip Avenue, Barry Avenue, and Gurley Avenue. The families and businesses sitting bull’s eye to DISD’s eminent domain lawsuit sacrificed, struggled and played by the rules to achieve ownership of their homes and success of their businesses. They give back to their community every day by paying their property taxes, shopping at their local neighborhood stores, and employing their community residents.
We say, “No!” We will remind DISD every day until we win that we are a strong and proud community, and we need your help in getting our message across.
We need your calls, letters, and/or emails to DISD’s representatives telling them that you do NOT want to keep paying for unnecessary new schools and renovations when the state of DISD’s education system is still in dire need of its own repair. We need your help in saving the property of residents and business owners who have been in the area for generations from losing everything they worked so hard for.
Please help us STOP DISD’s LAND GRAB by contacting Bernadette Nutall at 972-925-3721, or by visiting DISD’s website at
Tell DISD NO! to wasting our taxpayer dollars! and NO! to Eminent Domain in East Dallas!
For more videos, see our Stop DISD You Tube Channel here